Nothing is as critical as the winter is

A time where downtime is peoples only time

When all your time is spent in the kitchen, eating away the feelings the long, dark days bring out.

It is when you get that extra hour of sleep that deems to be the reason we feel energetic for the short hours of the day.

Winter is the beginning of something for someone, but the end of something for someone else.

Look for the shifts in a person’s mood when the weather changes, it’ll reveal a lot about them because seasonal depression is a thing.

The change in scenery from the beautiful fall colours and warm feelings to an ice-cold, plain white setting can have an effect on a person.

All the pretty things in life are gone, and new routines are put into place.

Everything that seemed decided and grounded is now thrown away and that person is forced to change what they considered to be a stable life.

With each snowfall, each snowflake falling, a new issue arises, and a new one solved.

The only motivation is knowing that the sun will set at 9pm soon again, but for now, darkness rises over at 4pm.

It’s okay.

It’s okay that nighttime is depressing and that it takes up time from 4pm, which should be the afternoon.

It’s okay that all tasks are being thrown at everyone demanding to be done by the beginning of new beginnings; January first.

Get it done.

Pass your exams.

Work every night- make money.

Clean the house.

Do the laundry.

Cry yourself to sleep.

It’s okay because it will all be over soon.

Winter is the start of new beginnings, so start this new chapter.

This is the chance people are given to start over, to make everything better for themselves.

When everything seems to be falling apart, remember that challenges are necessary for success.

They are necessary if things are wanted to be better because; what would life be without hardships to remind us to appreciate the good days?


This poem started off appreciating the change that comes with winter, and it then became a list of different things that come with change. I really enjoyed writing this because it is not specific to heartbreak or sadness as the majority of my posts are. It starts off with what I would consider to be a chill vibe, and then it turns into a more specific type of list of all things that are necessary to complete with the start of new beginnings. I told myself that I didn’t want this to become a generic sad poem, and I feel like I have achieved that, but let me know what you guys think!
