Music choice:

Cross your mind-Sabrina Claudio


Would you listen to me, even after I disappear?

Would you have my heart in your hands as I can see the end coming near?

Can you be the thief I need to see?

In the life of the realm of living life, he never had to see me. A thief in his own right and the ending was bitter-sweet. He took my heart without a second thought, ruining it without a sense of regret. I shouldn’t have left it out for him to see, the devil waiting for my signature.

“Fear itself was nothing but anonymity as it cheers the shadows of light and dark to fly from their corners to curse them of their name,” they say all the time. I couldn’t remember the last time I could breathe so easily and remain myself. I hope for him never to leave me, a solid dream, yet I know he will. 

Would you dream of me? Dancing like nobody’s watching me?

Would you visit me? Although your mind and heart are with someone else?

Can you be the dragon to steal me away?

Fairies, dragons, and all the fantasy creatures, yet none could fill the space he had once made home. I feel empty. I feel… hollow and broken. As though the world has forgotten about me once again. I want to feel loved. I know it is impossible for me. The hole buried so deep and dug so far into my body. I am dying, don’t you see. 

I’m dying a saint. Your dying as a sinner. There are no motives just my heart across my hand laying out to take your fill. A zombie stealing out of my heart, making his way in. I hate it. I love him. It would be a dream to murder him in cold blood. It would be a dream to hold him close again, once more at least. 

Would you be a dear and hold me as I fall?

Would you cry over my hollow soul as I lay lifeless in your eyes?

Can you, of all people, lie to me…again?

Although the world is against me, I had to see the darkness for myself. I yearned for the dark then it caught up to me, swallowing me whole. He was something more. I am nothing to behold. I glass catalyst for your love and the parting of the ending he was something. I was nothing before him. Maybe that’s the reason he left. Maybe I am the zombie stealing his heart. I cannot leave him alone, clingy and jealous. He was a saint. I was never one. Only a sinner before his eyes living like I was a saint.

I’m falling, I’m flying. My eyes can close and it will all be alright. By the time I open them, a new day will be upon us. Like they have always said.” the hardest decision in life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder” I was never trying. So I let him rip my heart into as he tried so hard to catch me. 

Would you let me lie alone? A way to atone for my actions to you.

Would you let me disappear like a wilting flower, blown away like the wind?

Can you watch me?

At 8:45 a young woman was standing on the edge of a cliff facing the ocean. Emergency services were called by witnesses surrounding the area her husband, who was shouting at her to come back to him. The young woman seemed to be dazed as she walked off the cliff like she was a shell of a being. Emergency services watched her fall off and worked quickly to- BZZT 

“Gia look. I’m here. Right next to you. Like I should have been this entire time. Don’t worry. I’m not going to leave you. Ever. Again.” a man sitting next to a sleeping woman mutters aloud, tears streaming down his face. Sound asleep, hooked up to everything keeping her alive, the woman lies silent.

The man, haggard and crying as the beep of the life support machine stops.


